Consultancy services

We draw on over 30 years experience in international development to provide a range of services

We work in 15 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America and have offices, staff, partnerships, and close relationships with governments in countries across these continents. We also advocate for change to global health policies and those global political and economic structures that affect health.

Our strategy of addressing the full range of factors that impact on health, including the socio-economic determinants of health, means we have experience of a vast range of programmes and policies in the areas of health, human rights, women’s empowerment, sexual and gender-based violence, savings schemes and income generation for women, and participation of women and youth in policy making and implementation, as well as experience of policy analysis, advocacy and campaigning. Our global infrastructure means we are well placed to offer technical expertise as well as office services such as accounting.

All profits we make from consultancy services are ploughed back into Health Poverty Action’s work, helping to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health. We know that everyone should have an equal chance at good health, and we enjoy working with other organisations that believe this too.

If you face a challenge of some kind, be it strategic, technical or logistical, speak to us about it – we may be able to help. Contact [email protected]

We can help with:

  • Evaluation, surveys and studies
  • Policy and research
  • Organisational and programme development


I would highly recommend working with Health Poverty Action to anyone seeking great analytical skills as well as experience of local context. The organisation’s professionalism and in-depth knowledge of health has very much helped to develop valuable resources for policy and advocacy, and I found working with them extremely pleasant.

– Nick Keeble, UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development


HelpAge International commissioned a team from Health Poverty Action to evaluate the past five years of its ‘Age Demands Action’ Campaign, which comprises 59 countries, and to make recommendations for future campaign strategies. We are extremely happy with the comprehensive report we received. Health Poverty Action provided a diversity of skills and experience ranging from monitoring and evaluation, value for money analysis, campaigning expertise to in-country support with key informant interviews, for example. The team paid great attention to detail, was very systematic and analytical in its approach and project management was timely, transparent and effective. We would no doubt work with Health Poverty Action again.

– Barbara Dockalova, Campaigns Co-ordinator, HelpAge International